Around the time I started making visual music in time, I decided to use some of the ideas that I had discovered while translating music to color to create my own music in fabric.  I wanted to create different instruments by using fabrics that would display color in its best light.  Forinstance, I used satins for light colors because of its reflective qualities and velvet for low colors because of its deep nap.  In my very first piece, which now hangs in the Philadelphia Museum of Art,  I found that patterned fabric can show the way colors change each other better than solid colors.  Here is an inset of that piece to illustrate what I mean.

Go on to Fabric Fugues to see more examples of this overlapping, color changing phenomena


  • Where the top layer of fabric (the solids) overlap the bottom layer (prints), the printed fabric appears to actually change color.  There are just 3 prints here but there appear to be 6.  Whenever one color is next to another they influcence each other.  It is not always as obvious as this but it is happening and we sense it. After this piece I created a number of Fugues.